Foundational Credos: The Credo of God

CDARS Ministries – Credo of God
PART ONE – The Credo of God
Try to read it at least 7 times and more than 14 times until you internalize every word.

The Body of the Credo

I firmly declare and believe in the One who exists by Himself, the ultimate authority, whom we call God. This name is not simply a title but a description of His supreme, eternal, and self-existent nature. Before time and existence, before the foundation of the universe and all of creation, everything was contained within Him—within His divine nature—even before invisibility, imperceptibility, materialization, personification, and incarnation took form.

The Preexistent God

God is not defined by creation, for He existed before all things. He is the uncreated One, the uncaused cause, the eternal reality upon which all else depends. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the One who was, who is, and who is to come. He is timeless, unbound by space, unrestricted by matter, and beyond all limitations of human perception.

The Self-Motivation of God

God is self-motivated, self-imposing, and self-obligated by the very essence of His love. This love is not static; it is communal, relational, and self-giving. Love is not something God has—it is who He is. His love compels Him to create, to share, to relate, and to establish divine fellowship. It was through this divine impulse to share that the universe was formed. Everything—whether visible or invisible—was predestined to align with His perfect will.

Humanity in God’s Image

Humanity, created in His image, is the living reflection of His divine personality. Man is not a mere product of creation but the intentional representation of God in the visible realm. Humanity was designed to walk in divine partnership, to mirror the wisdom, righteousness, and dominion of God on Earth. As God’s representatives, we were called to govern, not as owners, but as stewards and ambassadors of His kingdom.

God as King and Sovereign

God is the supreme King of all creation. His sovereignty is undeniable and unchallenged, and His reign is eternal and unshakable. Humanity, as His regent, is not independent of Him but entrusted with divine responsibility. This authority is not merely a privilege—it is a calling to rule with righteousness, justice, and faithfulness, always in alignment with God’s perfect order.

All Things Under His Control

God’s sovereignty affirms that all things exist under His control. He is the One who establishes nations and rulers, who commands the stars and seasons, who raises up and brings down, and who delegates and governs as He wills. No force, no power, and no event exists outside of His divine authority. He is the source, the sustainer, and the final authority over all existence.

Humanity’s Divine Calling

Humanity is not merely an observer in this divine narrative but a key participant in the fulfillment of His eternal purpose. Man was created to align his will with the divine, to manifest God’s invisible kingdom in the visible world, and to make Earth a perfect reflection of God’s wisdom, righteousness, and eternal love. To reject this calling is to live outside of divine purpose; to embrace it is to step into true identity, true authority, and true life.

God as Father

God as Father
He is not only the Creator but the Eternal Father, the source of paternal love, guidance, and provision. He carries and supports His children, just as a father carries his son. He corrects, disciplines, and teaches with the intent to restore, not to destroy. His discipline is an extension of His love, for the Father desires relationship, not rebellion. His paternal care is eternal, and His compassion never fails.

The Multifaceted Roles of God

God as King and Sovereign
He is the ruler over all creation, the supreme authority, whose kingdom has no end. His throne is established in justice and righteousness, and His decrees are unbreakable. No force, seen or unseen, can challenge His rule. His sovereignty is not tyrannical but benevolent, not oppressive but liberating. In His kingdom, truth prevails, justice is upheld, and righteousness endures forever.

God as Creator and Governor
He did not create to become a creator—He is the Creator. Creation is not separate from Him, for it exists by Him, through Him, and for Him. Everything that exists is a direct manifestation of His will, His wisdom, and His purpose. He governs not as an observer but as an active sustainer, holding all things together by His power and providence.

God as Judge and Lawgiver
As the supreme judge, He establishes the standard by which all things are measured. His justice is perfect, His judgments are righteous, and His decrees are eternal. He does not rule with partiality, nor does He act with injustice. His laws are not mere commands but expressions of His character. What He decrees is righteous and unchanging.

God as the Royal Shepherd
God is not a distant ruler but a shepherd who walks among His people. He is the protector of the weak, the guide of the lost, and the provider for the faithful. He rules not with tyranny but with tenderness, ensuring that His people lack nothing. As a shepherd, He knows His own, and His own know His voice.

God as the King of Grace and Mercy
Though He reigns in justice, He is also the God of mercy. His grace is boundless, His forgiveness is abundant, and His compassion is endless. He lifts the fallen, restores the broken, and redeems the lost. His mercy is not weakness, but the ultimate expression of His power—the power to love beyond human comprehension.

Key Points and Biblical References

Key Points of the Credo of God:
1. God is Self-Existent and Supreme – He is the uncreated source, and all existence depends on Him.
2. God is Love and Relational – His essence of love compels Him to share, create, and connect.
3. God is King and Sovereign – His rule is eternal, and His authority is supreme.
4. God is the Creator and Governor – The universe is the product of His divine will, and He governs with justice.
5. God is the Judge and Lawgiver – He establishes truth and enforces justice.
6. God is the Loving Father – He nurtures, corrects, and protects His children.
7. God is the Shepherd and King of Mercy – He provides, leads, and watches over His people.
8. God is Immutable and Eternal – He is unchanging, reigning forever as the Alpha and Omega.

Biblical References:
God is Self-Existent and Supreme – Exodus 3:14
God is Love and Relational – 1 John 4:8, John 3:16
God is King and Sovereign – Psalm 47:2
God is the Creator and Governor – Colossians 1:16
God is the Judge and Lawgiver – Isaiah 33:22
God is the Loving Father – Matthew 6:9
God is the Shepherd and King of Mercy – Psalm 23:1
God is Immutable and Eternal – Revelation 1:8

PART TWO – How to Proceed

Use these references to solidify your understanding and let them guide your meditation.

The passages above form the scriptural basis of God’s character as revealed in this Credo. Study each verse diligently and cross-reference them with the key points to gain a holistic view of His divine nature.

PART THREE – Biblical References

Take your Bible and study the following verses until they become a second nature.

1. God is Self-Existent and Supreme
Exodus 3:14 – “I AM WHO I AM.”
o Explanation: Reveals God’s self-existence and eternal nature. The phrase “I AM WHO I AM” signifies that God is not created, nor dependent on anything—He simply is. His existence is independent, eternal, and self-sustaining.

2. God is Love and Relational
1 John 4:8 – “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
o Explanation: Emphasizes that love is not just an attribute but the very essence of God, compelling Him to create, to redeem, and to establish an eternal relationship with humanity.

3. God is King and Sovereign
Psalm 47:2 – “For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.”
o Explanation: Affirms God’s universal kingship, establishing that He reigns over all nations, all creation, and all history. His authority extends over the entire Earth, undisputed and eternal.

4. God is the Creator and Governor
Colossians 1:16 – “For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible….”
o Explanation: Establishes God as the absolute Creator of everything—both the seen and unseen realms. Since everything was created by Him and for Him, all creation exists for His glory and is subject to His rule.

5. God is the Judge and Lawgiver
Isaiah 33:22 – “For the Lord is our judge, lawgiver, and king; He will save us.”
o Explanation: Presents God as the ultimate Judge, Lawgiver, and King. This verse reflects His divine order and governance—He executes justice, establishes moral order, and rules with perfect righteousness.

6. God is the Loving Father
Matthew 6:9 – “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name’.”
o Explanation: Reveals the intimate nature of God as our Father, demonstrating His love, care, and accessibility to those who seek Him.

7. God is the Shepherd and King of Mercy
Psalm 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
o Explanation: Expresses God’s tender guidance and provision. As a Shepherd, He ensures that His people lack nothing, walking with them and providing care.

8. God is Immutable and Eternal
Revelation 1:8 – “I am the Alpha and the Omega.”
o Explanation: Proclaims God’s eternal and unchanging nature. The titles Alpha and Omega signify that He is the beginning and the end; His reign never ends, and His nature is forever constant.

PART FOUR – Declaration, Affirmation, and Commitment

Declare your alignment with God’s character and commit your life to His eternal purpose.

Declaration, Affirmation, and Confirmation of Understanding:
“I solemnly affirm and acknowledge the eternal truth of this Credo of God. I understand and accept that God, the invisible and self-existent source, is the ultimate authority and origin of all creation. I align my thoughts, actions, and existence with this foundational truth, recognizing my role as a co-regent on Earth, chosen to manifest His invisible kingdom in the visible world. I accept the divine responsibility to reflect His justice, love, and wisdom in all that I do. With a heart full of reverence, I embrace this truth, knowing that in doing so, I step into my authentic identity as a representative of the eternal Kingdom, committed to honoring and revealing the nature of the Creator in every dimension of life.”

I, (say your name: ____________________________), declare, affirm, and make this official in the name of Jesus Christ, Savior, Master, and Lord!

CDARS Ministries
Ambassador James Lamour
For an Eternal Concept

“The Credos are the foundation stones of the Kingdom, guiding every ambassador to manifest the invisible on Earth.”