The Body of the Credo
I firmly declare and believe that the Holy Spirit is the most important, indispensable, and essential person for the fulfillment of the divine purpose on Earth. The Holy Spirit is not merely a force or influence—He is the eternal, living, and active presence of God, coexisting with the Father and the Son. As the third person of the Trinity, He was present before the beginning of time, actively participating in the creation of both the visible and invisible worlds. He is the Spirit of God, hovering over the waters at creation, bringing life, order, and form to the universe.
Divine Breath of Life
The Holy Spirit is the divine breath of life, the One who animates and sustains all of creation. He is the agent through whom God breathed life into mankind, giving humanity not only biological existence but also spiritual identity, dominion, and purpose. His role extends beyond creation—He is the One who preserves, revives, and restores all things in accordance with God’s perfect plan.
Blueprint and Divine Governance
Before the foundation of the Earth, the Holy Spirit actively operated in divine counsel with the Father and the Son, forming the blueprint of existence. He is the Governor of the Kingdom, sent from the invisible realm to act in the visible world. His mission is to restore, reestablish, and reconnect humanity to its original divine purpose—the fulfillment of God’s plan in the Earth. He is not a substitute for God; He is God, fully present and active.
The Supreme Comforter
The Holy Spirit is the Supreme Comforter, the One who walks alongside believers, guiding them in truth, righteousness, and divine destiny. He does not merely exist within the world; He dwells within believers, making them the living temple of God and sealing them as His own, which is the ultimate seal of divine ownership that secures their eternal inheritance.
The Spirit of Truth
As the Spirit of Truth, He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, illuminates the minds of humanity, and reveals the reality of God’s nature, the certainty of His justice, and the path of salvation. Without the Holy Spirit, there is no revelation, conviction, or transformation.
The Life-Giver
The Holy Spirit is the Life-Giver, the One who breathes divine essence into the hearts of believers, awakening them to spiritual rebirth. Without Him, man remains spiritually dead, disconnected from the Creator. Through the Holy Spirit, humanity is restored to its divine nature and empowered to live as true sons and daughters of the Kingdom.
The Sanctifier
As the Sanctifier, He purifies and transforms the inner being of believers, separating them from the corruption of the world and consecrating them unto God. His work is not external—it is an inward renewal, a complete transformation that redefines identity and purpose. He is the Refiner’s Fire, burning away impurity and conforming believers to the image of Christ.
The Divine Teacher and Distributor of Gifts
The Holy Spirit is the Divine Teacher, the One who leads believers into all truth, reminding them of everything that Jesus taught. He is the voice of wisdom, the revealer of mysteries, and the One who grants divine understanding beyond human reasoning. Through Him, the deep things of God are made known, and the hidden treasures of the Kingdom are revealed. He is also the Distributor and Giver of spiritual gifts, equipping believers with supernatural abilities to fulfill their divine calling. No believer is called to function in the Kingdom without the empowerment and equipping of the Holy Spirit, who assigns gifts according to the will of God, ensuring that the body of Christ is built, strengthened, and mobilized for the expansion of the Kingdom.
The Seal, Intercessor, and Source of Power
The Holy Spirit is the Seal of God, the divine mark of ownership upon those who belong to Him. He is the confirmation of salvation, the guarantee of redemption, and the unbreakable bond between God and His people. He is the eternal assurance that what God has promised will be fulfilled. As the great Intercessor, the Holy Spirit prays on behalf of believers, translating the deep groanings of their spirit into divine petitions before the throne of God. When human words fail, He speaks with power, aligning the hearts of God’s people with His divine will. He is not limited, restricted, or bound by human institutions—He is the sovereign Spirit of God, moving wherever He wills. He cannot be controlled, manipulated, or confined to human doctrine—He is the living breath of God, the power behind every divine manifestation, and the force that drives the expansion of God’s Kingdom on Earth. As the Spirit of Power, He strengthens believers, giving them the boldness to proclaim the Gospel, the authority to cast out darkness, and the wisdom to navigate the complexities of life. He is not merely present—He is active, dynamic, and constantly at work within creation and within the hearts of those who submit to Him. The Holy Spirit is the source of divine life, truth, and power. To live without Him is to walk in blindness; to reject Him is to deny the fullness of God’s plan. He is the air of the Kingdom, the breath of divine reality, and the essence of eternal communion with God.
I embrace the Holy Spirit as my Comforter, Teacher, Empowerer, and constant Companion. His presence in my life is my assurance of divine identity, my access to supernatural power, and my guarantee of eternal inheritance.
I submit to His leading, walk in His power, and yield to His transforming work in my life. Through Him, I am renewed, empowered, and commissioned to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth.
The Holy Spirit is my Guide, Strength, and Eternal Seal. I walk by His wisdom, live by His power, and dwell in His presence—forever and ever.
Key Points and Biblical References
Key Points of the Credo of the Holy Spirit
1. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Governor – He administers God’s Kingdom on Earth and ensures the fulfillment of divine purposes.
2. He is the Breath of Life – The source of life, renewal, and sustenance for all creation.
3. He restores humanity – Reconnecting people to their original divine mandate and preexistent purpose.
4. The Holy Spirit empowers and equips – Providing believers with supernatural gifts and wisdom to fulfill their calling.
5. He is the Sanctifier and Indweller – Purifying believers and dwelling within them as the temple of God.
6. The Holy Spirit is the Intercessor – Bridging the gap between human frailty and divine will through prayer.
7. He is the Seal of Inheritance – Marking believers as God’s own and guaranteeing their eternal destiny.
8. The Holy Spirit is the Source of Truth and Revelation – Illuminating the deep mysteries of God and guiding believers into all truth.
Biblical References:
Holy Spirit is the Divine Governor – Genesis 1:2; Genesis 2:7
Holy Spirit is the Breath of Life – Genesis 1:2
Holy Spirit is the Restorer of Humanity – (implied in Scripture)
Holy Spirit is the Empowerer and Giver of Gifts – Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier and Indweller – (implied in Scripture)
Holy Spirit is the Intercessor – Romans 8:26
Holy Spirit is the Seal of Inheritance – Ephesians 1:13-14
Holy Spirit is the Source of Truth and Revelation – John 16:13
PART TWO – How to Proceed
The passages above form the scriptural basis of The Holy Spirit’s divine role as revealed in this Credo. Study each verse diligently and cross-reference them with the key points to gain a holistic view of His eternal purpose.
PART THREE – Biblical References
1. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Governor
• Genesis 1:2 – “The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
o Explanation: Reveals that before creation took form, the Holy Spirit was actively present, moving over the formless void and preparing the Earth for God’s divine order. His role as Life-Giver and Sustainer is evident from the beginning of existence.
• Genesis 2:7 – “The Lord God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.”
o Explanation: Establishes the Holy Spirit as the divine breath of God—the source of life that animates all of creation.
2. The Holy Spirit as the Divine Governor
• John 16:13 – “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth.”
o Explanation: Affirms that the Holy Spirit guides believers into divine truth, revealing the will of the Father and the Son.
3. The Holy Spirit as the Empowerer
• Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”
o Explanation: Demonstrates that the Holy Spirit empowers believers with divine authority and boldness to proclaim the Gospel and fulfill their mission.
4. The Holy Spirit as the Seal of Inheritance
• Ephesians 1:13-14 – “You were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance…”
o Explanation: Confirms that the Holy Spirit marks believers as God’s own, assuring their eternal inheritance in Christ.
5. The Holy Spirit as Intercessor
• Romans 8:26 – “The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us…”
o Explanation: Shows that the Holy Spirit intercedes on behalf of believers, aligning our prayers with God’s perfect will.
6. The Holy Spirit as Giver of Gifts
• 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 – “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good… All these are the work of one and the same Spirit.”
o Explanation: Indicates that the Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts to every believer according to God’s will. These gifts are not for personal gain but for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the body of Christ.
PART FOUR – Declaration, Affirmation, and Commitment
Declaration, Affirmation, and Confirmation of Understanding:
“I solemnly affirm and acknowledge the eternal truth of this Credo of the Holy Spirit. I understand and accept that the Holy Spirit is the divine breath and active Governor of the Kingdom of God on Earth, empowering, sanctifying, and guiding creation in perfect alignment with the Creator’s will. I embrace the Spirit as the source of wisdom, truth, and power in my life, recognizing His role in revealing divine purpose and enabling me to fulfill my original mandate. I commit to living under His guidance, allowing His breath to animate my being and align me fully with the eternal Kingdom. In this acknowledgment, I dedicate myself to the transformative work of the Spirit, walking in truth, power, and divine calling.”
I, (say your name: ____________________________), declare, affirm, and make this official in the name of Jesus Christ, Savior, Master, and Lord!
CDARS Ministries
Ambassador James Lamour
For an Eternal Concept