CDARS Ministries – Credos & Key Concepts
Welcome to Our Platform for Credos and Key Concepts
Here you’ll find a comprehensive framework of 97 Credos—divided into nine themed sections—covering everything from the spiritual and ethical foundation of CDARS Ministries. Explore each section to understand and embrace the core principles that guide our Kingdom vision.
Miraculous, Original & Authentic Foundations
1) Foundational Credos: God, Christ, and the Spirit (1–7)
1. Credo of God
Affirming God as the self-existing, supreme being—the source and sustainer of all creation, both visible and invisible.
2. Credo of Jesus Christ
Declaring Jesus as the incarnate Son of God, the Messiah, and the restorer of humanity’s original relationship with God.
3. Credo of the Holy Spirit
Recognizing the Holy Spirit as the governor of God’s Kingdom on Earth, empowering and guiding believers.
4. Credo of the Trinity
Believing in the unity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—three distinct persons in one divine essence.
5. Credo of God’s Sovereignty
Proclaiming God’s absolute authority and control over all creation, ruling with wisdom, power, and love.
6. Credo of God’s Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence
Affirming that God is all-knowing, ever-present, and all-powerful.
7. Credo of God’s Love and Justice
Recognizing God’s perfect balance of unconditional love and righteous judgment.
2) Theological & Cosmological Credos: Realms and Creations (8–19)
8. Credo of the Invisible
Acknowledging the invisible realm as the foundation of all creation, housing spiritual beings and eternal realities.
9. Credo of the Visible
Understanding the visible world as the manifestation of the invisible, created to reflect God’s glory.
10. Credo of the Kingdom
Affirming God’s Kingdom as eternal, sovereign, and the central theme of divine purpose, governing all creation.
11. Credo of the Visible Kingdom or the Visible Realm
Recognizing Earth as the visible extension of God’s Kingdom, where humanity is called to govern as co-regents.
12. Credo of the Kingdom of God on Earth
Teaching that the Kingdom of God must be made visible on Earth through the dominion and obedience of His ambassadors.
13. Credo of the Invisible Creation
Highlighting the creation of spiritual beings and heavenly realms as part of God’s invisible masterpiece.
14. Credo of the Visible Creation
Celebrating the tangible universe as the arena for humanity’s divine mandate of stewardship and dominion.
15. Credo on the Restoration of Creation
Proclaiming God’s plan to restore all of creation—both visible and invisible—to its original perfection.
16. Credo of Divine Order in Creation
Affirming that God designed all creation with divine order, structure, and purpose.
17. Credo of Time and Eternity
Teaching that time is a temporary construct within God’s eternal plan, leading to the fulfillment of His Kingdom.
18. Credo of the Divine Blueprint
Recognizing that all of creation follows God’s master plan, revealed progressively through time.
19. Credo of Divine Harmony
Emphasizing the interconnectedness and harmony between the spiritual and natural realms.
3) Humanity-Focused Credos: Identity, Purpose, and Destiny (20–39)
20. Credo on Man
Declaring humanity as the image and likeness of God, designed for dominion and relational intimacy with the Creator.
21. Credo of the Body
Affirming the human body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, sacred and designed for divine purpose.
22. Credo on the Earth
Teaching that Earth is a divine territory entrusted to humanity for stewardship, cultivation, and governance.
23. Credo on Work
Recognizing work as a divine assignment, enabling humanity to fulfill the Kingdom mandate of productivity and dominion.
24. Credo of Marriage
Defining marriage as a divine covenant representing unity, love, and the relationship between Christ and the Church.
25. Credo on the Family
Affirming the family as the foundational institution of God’s Kingdom, designed to reflect His love and order.
26. Credo on Sin
Acknowledging sin as rebellion against God’s divine order, leading to separation from Him, but redeemable through Christ.
27. Credo of Salvation
Declaring salvation as the gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ, restoring humanity to its original identity and purpose.
28. Credo of Faith
Emphasizing faith as the foundational principle for accessing the promises, power, and purposes of God.
29. Credo of the Soul
Teaching that the soul is the eternal essence of humanity, connecting the physical and spiritual realms.
30. Credo of the Spirit
Recognizing the human spirit as the divine breath within, designed to commune with God and operate in spiritual authority.
31. Credo of Adoption
Affirming that believers are adopted as sons and daughters of God, fully integrated into His royal family.
32. Credo of Sonship
Declaring the believer’s restored identity as sons and co-heirs with Christ, called to reign in the Kingdom.
33. Credo of Human Free Will
Acknowledging that God has granted humanity free will to choose between life and death, good and evil.
34. Credo of Human Dignity
Affirming the inherent dignity and worth of every human being, created in God’s image.
35. Credo of Purpose and Destiny
Teaching that every individual has a divine purpose and destiny aligned with God’s Kingdom plan.
36. Credo of Sanctification
Emphasizing the process by which believers are made holy through the work of the Holy Spirit.
37. Credo of Glorification
Declaring the ultimate transformation of believers into the likeness of Christ in eternity.
38. Credo of Kingdom Citizenship
Affirming that believers are citizens of God’s Kingdom, called to live by its principles.
39. Credo of Eternal Identity
Recognizing that humanity’s true identity is eternal, rooted in God’s original design.
4) Spiritual Warfare and Supernatural Credos (40–53)
40. Credo of Angels
Believing in the existence of angels as ministering spirits sent to serve and protect God’s people.
41. Credo of Fallen Angels
Acknowledging the rebellion of certain angels, who became fallen beings opposing God’s Kingdom.
42. Credo on the Devil and Satan
Identifying Satan as the adversary of God and humanity, working to oppose divine purpose but ultimately defeated.
43. Credo of Evil Spirits
Recognizing the existence of demonic forces that seek to deceive, oppress, and lead humanity away from God.
44. Credo of Spiritual Warfare
Emphasizing the believer’s authority in Christ to engage and overcome spiritual forces of darkness.
45. Credo of Deliverance
Teaching the power of Christ to set captives free from spiritual bondage and oppression.
46. Credo of Spiritual Gifts
Affirming the distribution of supernatural gifts by the Holy Spirit to empower believers for Kingdom service.
47. Credo of Ministries
Recognizing the five-fold ministries (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) as foundational to equipping the Church.
48. Credo of Intercession
Emphasizing the role of prayer and intercession in spiritual warfare and Kingdom advancement.
49. Credo of Prophetic Authority
Affirming the prophetic office as a divine channel for revelation and direction.
50. Credo of Apostolic Authority
Recognizing the apostolic role in establishing and governing Kingdom principles on Earth.
51. Credo of Healing and Miracles
Proclaiming that God still heals and performs miracles as signs of His Kingdom.
52. Credo of Anointing and Power
Teaching that believers are anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit for ministry.
53. Credo of Kingdom Dominion
Declaring that believers are called to exercise dominion over the spiritual and natural realms.
5) Covenantal and Doctrinal Credos (54–67)
54. Credo of the Law
Understanding God’s moral law as a reflection of His character and a guide for righteous living.
55. Credo of Grace
Emphasizing God’s unmerited favor as the foundation for salvation and empowerment for holy living.
56. Credo of the Abrahamic Covenant
Recognizing the foundational covenant that established God’s promise to bless all nations through Abraham’s seed.
57. Credo of the Mosaic Covenant
Affirming the covenant given through Moses as a guide for Israel and a foreshadowing of Christ.
58. Credo of the Davidic Covenant
Affirming the promise of an eternal Kingdom through the lineage of David, fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
59. Credo of the New Covenant
Declaring the New Covenant, established through Christ’s blood, as the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan.
60. Credo of the Blood Covenant
Recognizing the power of Christ’s blood as the ultimate sacrifice for redemption, protection, and victory.
61. Credo of the Church
Defining the Church as the living Body of Christ, called to advance the Kingdom on Earth.
62. Credo of the Gospel
Proclaiming the Gospel as the message of the Kingdom—the good news of Christ’s reign, redemption, and restoration.
63. Credo of Baptism
Affirming baptism as an outward expression of an inward transformation, symbolizing death to sin and new life in Christ.
64. Credo of Communion
Celebrating the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice and a declaration of the New Covenant.
65. Credo of Repentance
Emphasizing the necessity of turning from sin and returning to God through repentance.
66. Credo of Holiness
Calling believers to live lives set apart, reflecting the purity and character of God.
67. Credo of Righteousness
Emphasizing right standing with God through Christ, resulting in a life of integrity and moral excellence.
6) Ethical and Moral Credos (68–79)
68. Credo of Justice
Declaring God as the righteous judge and calling believers to uphold justice in all spheres of influence.
69. Credo of Mercy
Affirming God’s compassion toward humanity and the believer’s responsibility to extend mercy to others.
70. Credo of Wisdom
Recognizing divine wisdom as essential for righteous living, decision-making, and Kingdom advancement.
71. Credo of Truth
Declaring God as the source of all truth and the necessity for believers to walk in it.
72. Credo of Love
Affirming love as the supreme Kingdom ethic, reflecting God’s nature and governing all relationships.
73. Credo of Forgiveness
Emphasizing the power of forgiveness to heal, restore, and reflect the heart of the Father.
74. Credo of Humility
Teaching that humility is foundational to Kingdom living, reflecting the nature of Christ.
75. Credo of Integrity
Calling believers to live lives of honesty, transparency, and moral uprightness.
76. Credo of Compassion
Encouraging believers to actively demonstrate God’s love through acts of kindness and service.
77. Credo of Contentment
Teaching the value of being content in all circumstances, trusting God’s provision.
78. Credo of Generosity
Encouraging open-handed giving as a reflection of God’s generous nature.
79. Credo of Stewardship
Emphasizing the responsibility to wisely manage all that God has entrusted—time, talent, and resources.
7) Kingdom and Governance Credos (80–88)
80. Credo of Kingdom Economics
Teaching divine principles of stewardship, provision, and multiplication for Kingdom advancement.
81. Credo of Kingdom Government
Declaring God’s sovereign rule as the highest authority, with believers serving as His co-regents on Earth.
82. Credo of Divine Order
Recognizing the importance of divine order in all areas of life, reflecting the structure of God’s Kingdom.
83. Credo of Prophecy
Affirming the prophetic as a means by which God reveals His heart, plans, and purposes to His people.
84. Credo of Apostolic Governance
Teaching the role of apostolic leadership in establishing and advancing the Kingdom on Earth.
85. Credo of the Heavenly Council
Recognizing God’s divine council as part of the spiritual government overseeing creation.
86. Credo of Kingdom Law
Affirming that God’s Kingdom operates under spiritual laws that govern both the natural and invisible realms.
87. Credo of Divine Justice
Teaching that God’s justice is perfect, balancing mercy and righteousness.
88. Credo of the Great Commission
Emphasizing the believer’s responsibility to spread the Gospel and disciple nations.
8) Eschatological and Eternal Credos (89–93)
89. Credo of Death
Acknowledging physical death as a transition, with the believer’s spirit returning to God.
90. Credo of the Resurrection
Proclaiming the future bodily resurrection of believers to eternal life with God.
91. Credo of the Second Coming
Proclaiming the imminent return of Christ as the triumphant King who will establish His eternal reign on Earth.
92. Credo of the New Heavens and New Earth
Teaching the ultimate restoration of creation, where God’s Kingdom will reign forever without corruption.
93. Credo of Eternal Rewards
Emphasizing that believers will be rewarded according to their works and faithfulness in fulfilling their Kingdom mandate.
9) Practical and Missional Credos (94–97)
94. Credo of Prayer
Affirming prayer as the primary means of communication between God and His ambassadors.
95. Credo of Worship
Declaring worship as a lifestyle of devotion, reverence, and love toward God.
96. Credo of Evangelism and Discipleship
Recognizing the Great Commission as a mandate for every believer to expand God’s Kingdom through evangelism and intentional discipleship.
97. Credo of Cultural Transformation
Equipping believers to influence and transform society, including arts, media, government, and education, with Kingdom values.
Conclusion: Embracing the Fullness of the 97 Credos
A Comprehensive Kingdom Framework
These 97 Credos form a holistic guide to the faith, doctrine, and practical outworking of the Kingdom principles upheld by CDARS Ministries. From the foundational truths of God’s nature, Christ’s redemptive work, and the Holy Spirit’s governance, to the intricacies of creation (visible and invisible), humanity’s divine mandate, spiritual warfare, covenantal doctrines, ethical living, Kingdom governance, and eschatological hope—each credo stands as a pillar supporting our collective vision.
By embracing these Credos, believers and ambassadors alike can align themselves with God’s eternal purpose, living out the transformative power of His Kingdom on Earth. May these truths guide you, challenge you, and inspire you to manifest the invisible in every sphere of life.