Foundational Credos – The Credo of Jesus Christ

CDARS Ministries – Credo of Jesus Christ
PART ONE – The Credo of Jesus Christ
Try to read it at least 7 times and more than 14 times until you internalize every word.

The Body of the Credo

I firmly declare and believe that Jesus Christ is the living manifestation of the divine essence, the full expression of the invisible Creator in human form. He is not merely a historical figure, religious leader, or moral teacher—He is the embodiment of God’s will, the revelation of His eternal purpose, and the physical manifestation of His power, wisdom, and love. Before His incarnation, He existed eternally as the Word of God, the agent of creation, and the preeminent force through whom all things were made.

Jesus as the Perfect Bridge

Jesus Christ is the perfect bridge between the unseen and seen, between eternity and time, between heaven and earth. He is the visible connection to the invisible God, allowing humanity to see, hear, and understand the eternal through His life. In Him, the unknowable becomes known, the infinite becomes accessible, and the divine becomes tangible. His coming into the world was not an accident of history but the deliberate fulfillment of God’s eternal plan—to restore creation, redeem humanity, and establish His Kingdom on earth.

Reflection of the Father’s Nature

As the Son of God, Jesus Christ perfectly reflects the nature, character, and authority of the Father. His words were not just teachings; they were divine decrees revealing the very heart of God. His actions were not just moral examples; they were the living manifestation of divine truth. He did not come merely to inform but to transform—to bring humanity back to its original purpose, to demonstrate the righteousness of the Kingdom, and to display the love, mercy, and justice of the Creator in every aspect of life.

The Mediator Between God and Mankind

Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and mankind, the one who restores what sin separated. Humanity, through disobedience, turned away from God, losing its divine identity, authority, and relationship. But in Christ, this separation was bridged, and the original design of creation was reestablished. His mission was not to create another religion but to reconcile creation with its Creator, to restore humanity to its rightful place, and to reintroduce the Kingdom of God on earth.

Sacrificial Redemption

Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus Christ accomplished what no man could achieve—He fulfilled the righteous requirements of God’s justice while extending the fullness of God’s mercy. His sacrificial death was not an act of human injustice alone—it was the predetermined plan of God to redeem the world, to pay the penalty for sin, and to open the way for all who believe to be restored into divine fellowship.

The Resurrection of Christ

The resurrection of Christ was the ultimate victory over sin, death, and the forces of darkness. When He rose from the grave, He demonstrated His absolute authority over life and existence. His resurrection was not merely a miracle; it was the revelation of a greater reality—that in Him, life is eternal, the Kingdom is unshakable, and death is no longer the final authority. Through His resurrection, He established the certainty of God’s promise—that those who believe in Him will share in His victory and reign with Him forever.

The Blueprint for Humanity

Jesus Christ is the model and blueprint for humanity. In Him, we see not only the image of God but also the fulfillment of what it means to be human. He did not just show us how to live; He showed us who we were meant to be. His life was the example of divine authority, perfect obedience, and complete harmony with God’s will. To follow Christ is not simply to adopt His teachings but to walk in His nature, to operate in His authority, and to fulfill the divine purpose assigned to humanity.

Jesus as Lord and King

As followers of Christ, we are called to embody His nature in every dimension of life. He is not only our Redeemer—He is our King, our Teacher, our Example, and our Eternal Lord. He is the Head of the Kingdom, the Firstborn among many brethren, and the One in whom all things hold together. To walk in Christ is to live in divine alignment, to exercise spiritual dominion, and to manifest the will of the Father on earth as it is in heaven.


I embrace Jesus Christ as the perfect revelation of God, the bridge between the eternal and the temporal, the mediator of divine purpose, and the full expression of truth, grace, and authority. His life defines my calling, His resurrection guarantees my victory, and His Kingdom is my eternal inheritance. Jesus Christ is Lord, the visible image of the invisible God, the King of the eternal Kingdom, and the fulfillment of all things. In Him, I find my identity, my purpose, and my destiny. I commit my life to following Him, manifesting His presence, and walking in the truth of His divine nature.

Key Points and Biblical References

Key Points of the Credo of Jesus Christ
1. Jesus is the visible expression of the invisible God – Colossians 1:15
2. Jesus bridges the invisible and visible realms – John 1:14
3. Jesus reflects the Creator’s nature – Hebrews 1:3
4. Jesus restores humanity’s original purpose – Romans 5:18
5. Jesus’ resurrection affirms divine authority – 1 Corinthians 15:20
6. Jesus is the blueprint for humanity – 1 John 2:6

Biblical References:
Jesus is the visible expression of the invisible God – Colossians 1:15
Jesus bridges the invisible and visible realms – John 1:14
Jesus reflects the Creator’s nature – Hebrews 1:3
Jesus restores humanity’s original purpose – Romans 5:18
Jesus’ resurrection affirms divine authority – 1 Corinthians 15:20
Jesus is the blueprint for humanity – 1 John 2:6

PART TWO – How to Proceed

Use these references to solidify your understanding and let them guide your meditation.

The passages above form the scriptural basis of Jesus Christ’s divine nature as revealed in this Credo. Study each verse diligently and cross-reference them with the key points to gain a holistic view of His eternal purpose.

PART THREE – Biblical References

Take your Bible and study the following verses until they become a second nature.

1. Jesus is the visible expression of the invisible God
Colossians 1:15 – “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.”
o Explanation: Reveals that Jesus is not merely a prophet or teacher—He is the full and exact representation of God. The invisible nature of God is made tangible and knowable through Christ, giving humanity a direct revelation of the Father’s essence, character, and power.

2. Jesus bridges the invisible and visible realms
John 1:14 – “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.”
o Explanation: Affirms that God took on human form in Christ. Jesus is the eternal Word (Logos), through whom all things were created, now entering the physical world to reveal the invisible wisdom, love, and power of God.

3. Jesus reflects the Creator’s nature
Hebrews 1:3 – “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being.”
o Explanation: States that Jesus is not merely similar to God—He is God in human form. His words, actions, and miracles manifest the full glory of God’s essence.

4. Jesus restores humanity’s original purpose
Romans 5:18 – “Just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.”
o Explanation: Explains that through Adam, humanity fell, but through Jesus’ sacrifice, mankind was restored to its divine destiny.

5. Jesus’ resurrection affirms divine authority
1 Corinthians 15:20 – “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.”
o Explanation: Demonstrates that the resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate proof of divine power over death and sin.

6. Jesus is the blueprint for humanity
1 John 2:6 – “Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.”
o Explanation: Declares that Jesus is the model for how humanity was meant to live—a blueprint for divine living.

PART FOUR – Declaration, Affirmation, and Commitment

Declare your alignment with God’s character and commit your life to His eternal purpose.

Declaration, Affirmation, and Confirmation of Understanding:
“I solemnly affirm and acknowledge the eternal truth of this Credo of Jesus Christ. I understand and accept that Jesus Christ is the visible expression of the invisible Creator, the bridge between the eternal and the temporal, and the model for humanity’s purpose. I align my thoughts, actions, and life with this truth, recognizing my calling to reflect His nature and fulfill my role in the divine plan. I embrace His life as the ultimate example, guiding me toward unity with the Creator and harmony with the eternal kingdom. In acknowledging this, I commit to living as a true representative of the invisible, manifesting His love, justice, and authority in the visible world.”

I, (say your name: ____________________________), declare, affirm, and make this official in the name of Jesus Christ, Savior, Master, and Lord!

CDARS Ministries
Ambassador James Lamour
For an Eternal Concept

“The Credos are the foundation stones of the Kingdom, guiding every ambassador to manifest the invisible on Earth.”